Saturday, May 19, 2012

Since I was last here...

Since my last time writing, I've done a lot. I've walked a lot. But I lost my pedometer, so I lost track of steps. A GPS told me that I did quite a bit, but I didn't bother to download the track logs since they are a pain to download. The longest day was just about 10 miles West on Highway 60. Well, five one way, five back. The uphill five took 2 hours, the downhill five took an hour and a half. It was a little bit too far to have gone, but I was mostly fine the next day. I bought a new pedometer, and then, the next day, Amazon Vine offered me a free pedometer in exchange for a review. Oh well. My ten miles walk was still a mile short of Box Canyon. Box Canyon is a goal. I need to go back and make it again. I haven't walked there since sometime in the late 1980s. I need to bicycle there again too. It has also been a while since I did that.