Sunday, May 17, 2015

Step Counts and Stuff

478243 over 82 days.  A whopping 24 of them were taken "today" because I walked to bed after midnight.

Time to reset!

I broke the frame on my bicycle about a week ago.  The same day I was wearing new boots.  I hadn't realized the funny shift I felt just as I arrived at work was the frame failing, so I walked home that night and left the bicycle there so I could walk back in the morning.  The next day, at lunch, I discovered what had happened.  So I walked the bike to a welder, then back to work.  Then I walked home from work. It was a lot more walking than I had planned on.  And it hit me hard.  I'm apparently very out of shape.  So I should walk more, or just give up and die.  I need to get in real walking.  So maybe I'll bicycle less.

Also, I'm car-free for a couple weeks now.  It's merely broken, but hard to fix broken apparently.  But no car makes hiking in Water Canyon just that much more exciting.  I'll have to start getting in shape to bicycle out to Water Canyon again.

My bicycle frame is probably saveable.  Which will be good, because I really like it.

The new boots I was wearing that day I had to buy because my cats ate/clawed at my old boots so much they had torn all the threads and the boots were coming apart.  I bought better boots, but still on the cheap end, mostly because I can't find good boots that fit me as well.