Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Still Sick

I have 14655 steps today.  I only had about 7000, but I decided to walk despite being sick.  I jump roped some too.  I'm not very good at it anymore.  No running today.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Steps And Weight(s)

My steps are at 141521 and 18 days.  No steps today, so 17 days.  But I've been sick, so I didn't carry it at all on Saturday and I barely walked around on Sunday.  My average is still good despite a weekend failure.  My weightlifting suffered as well.   I did it every day, but minimally.  I focused mainly on overheads so as not to lose ground.  My weight didn't go up anymore that I can tell.  But I've definitely gained some.  I need to be more careful about what I eat.  I need to get out and run again, but I have thise cough and so I'm not doing that right now.  I think I should jump rope again.  I used to like jump roping.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I've been sick since maybe Tuesday.  Back on Tuesday it felt like maybe I was on the verge of getting a sore throat.  Wednesday I definitely had a sore throat.  I had to nap that afternoon for several hours because I felt bad.  Since then my voice has gone deep and I cough sometimes.  In the grand scheme of things, I'm barely sick.  A victory of trying to be healthy I think.  Before, in the fat and lazy times, any illness would be a miserable week of being bedridden.  While I don't need to be bedridden right now, I'm an sticking to the bed in the hopes of recovering faster.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being 239.5 pounds doesn't make me happy.  I don't feel like I'm losing weight anymore.  I have been overindulging in chocolate and almonds again.

115978 steps total, about 9600 average per day.

No running last night.  Given how much my feet and ankles hurt I was worried about even being able to walk half a mile.  I walked quite a bit more, but had a lot of trouble making it home.  I think I pushed myself just to the edge.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I weigh 239 pounds this morning.  I feel like I'm losing weight, so this must be muscles growing.

103226 steps, so finally averaging over 9000.

Monday, April 15, 2013


My pedometer trip reads 89677 and 11 days.  Really 10 days since I have 0 steps today.  And 10 is an easy number, 8967 steps per day on average.  A good number.

My morning weight is 237.25 pounds.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I've had two days of "rest" in my weightlifting. Tomorrow is back to 110 pounds. Tomorrow will be bench and rows which I have always been able to do. I have "done" my overheads at 110 again, but I didn't do them well. Tuesday I bet I will be able to do them without any cheating (dipping to use my legs to add momentum to the bar).

But tonight I ran again. Last time, a few days ago, I could barely run 1/8 of a mile at a time. Tonight I could run more than 1/8 of a mile, but not as much as 1/4 of a mile. I think I probably ran an entire mile tonight, in short little pieces. And overall I walked pretty far. By the end, walking was hard on me, and I couldn't run, so it was a good night.

I'm getting closer to being able to do a pull up.  I'm still very far away, but progress is being made.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Weight and perambulation

My pedometer reads 62822 steps and 8 days. But this is the start of day 8, so no steps have been taken. So really, 62822 over 7 days. That's almost nine thousand steps a day. A big part of it is that I use a standing desk for work and playing computer games. I think it helps a lot. I also prefer to walk the building looking for people in their offices rather than calling them on the phone.

At the start of April I decided to "run" every day. I did it for more than a week. One mile in the evening. But really I was just jogging. I was going faster than walking, and using more energy, but I was doing 12 minute miles and I wasn't doing anything tiring. I probably could have done two, or three, or maybe even ten miles at that page without batting an eye.

Recently I stopped the jogging, to rest a little. And last night, I went back to it, but I went to run. Really run. I had been hoping I'd have a hard time of it but still struggle through at least a lap. But it was not to be. Right around 1/8th of a mile I started to lose control of my breathing. Running doesn't work when you're hyperventilating trying to get enough oxygen just to stay conscious. So I ran 1/8 mile, walked 3/8 mile, ran 1/8 mile, walked 3/8 mile, ran 1/8 mile, then walked 3/8th mile again. Plus the 1/4 mile each way to and from the track.

I should not run today. I should rest. I should see how that running pans out over 24 hours. I typically really start to feel soreness from exercise a full day later from when the exercise occurred.

Tomorrow I should go back, and see if I can run more than 1/8th mile at a time.

I've been weightlifting every day. The three times a week was good, but when I was in the mood I craved more and more of it. And when I'd skip a day it suddenly became easy to skip a week. I had been overhead pressing 120 pounds for a rep or two, but after a series of failures to lift I was back to pressing 100 pounds and not having a good time of it. So now I lift every day. If I don't really feel like lifting, I declare it to be a rest day, and I lift a light bar (currently 85 pounds, about 80% of a normal day). This seems to be working.

My weight is hovering at the top end of the 230s. I'm almost 240 again. But I don't think it's me getting fatter. I think it's the results of exercise. When I look at my arms in particular, they look large but not corpulent.

Friday, April 5, 2013


My weight is up. I don't think my eating is up. My chocolate intake is definitely down. Steps are 739530 over 145 days, but there are at least four days recently when I didn't carry it. That is up to 5100.2 steps per day on average. Since my average used to be so much lower, I think it's a huge improvement. I'm resetting it to 0. Weightlifting has been daily for more than a week. One mile runs have happened every day this calendar month. Not today yet, but 'm sure it will happen today. I run a 12 minute mile, which sucks. That used to be my 2 mile time.