Monday, June 9, 2014

Fasting is in the news

My pedometer says 269157 steps over 50 days.  Over 5300 steps per day average.  My weekends probably contribute to it being low, as I'm often wandering around my house naked and not recording my steps.

Things with that metal out of my leg are amazingly good.  So many things are less painful and less stressful to do.  Turning left, for instance.  I had high hopes that I'd jump excitedly into exercise, but my body is definitely worn down by the past four years of pain, and the past year especially.

I lifted weights a week ago, a 45 pound bar, and it hurt badly for most of the week.  I lifted weights again last night, another 45 pound bar.  Nothing hurts yet, and I'm hoping I mostly don't hurt this time around.  I really thought I would be walking more, but I'm not.  I'm just lazy.

I've been eating a lot.  Far more than I'm used too.  It's bad.

A little more than 12 years ago, I read this:

It changed my life.  I stopped drinking Pepsi.  Since then I've had one gulp of Pepsi Throwback, a few years ago, just to see what it was like.  When I was a kid my family drank a lot of soft-drinks.  My father used his business license to buy them.  Every week the Coke man, the Pepsi man, and the 7up man would pull their semi-trailers up to my house, and wheel in cases of soda.  As a child, I drank Coke, my mom drank Pepsi, and my father drank 7up.  Then, of course, came the new Coke debacle, and Coke Classic.  I was a Pepsi drinker after that.  When I quit Pepsi cold turkey I was probably drinking a 12 pack of cans a day.  I had to drink a Pepsi just before bed, or I couldn't sleep.

I've always liked fasting.  I feel good when I fast.  I feel really good.  Eating makes me feel bad.  But I love to eat, and I don't know why.  I only have the self control to eat nothing or to eat everything.  I can't find any middle ground between the two.  I've never fasted for more than four days.  I personally think, based on what reading I've done, that four days is safe enough.

There are more articles out there than just those two, and they are all written about the same one paper.  There are, of course, the crazy fringe fad diets that are all over this.

I've never really thought of fasting as a path to weight loss.  Cutting calories and burning more calories are the path weight loss, and fasting is more of a spiritual kind of thing.

Officially, I'm fasting now.  I ate yesterday, so it doesn't really feel like it yet.  I plan to fast until Wednesday.  Wednesday morning, Supermart should have fresh USDA Organic raspberries for me to buy, and I can't fast through those since I asked them to order them for me.  Two days is a good amount of fasting.