Monday, May 17, 2010

Yesterday's Walk

Yesterday I headed out to hike around North Baldy. According to my GPS I made it 154 meters into my hike before I turned back. It was warm and sunny where I parked my car. I went up the grassy hill, and down into shaded woods on the other size. And snow, I should mention the snow. And I learned just how poorly Vibram Five Fingers do in the snow. If it had been perfectly flat I could have hiked, but I was on the side of a hill, and all I could do was slide off. I turned back pretty quickly.

I went over to the Timber Peak trail which I've never hiked. I have mountain biked it, but that is a little different. My hike there was short too, only about 800 meters before I turned back. But it was enough to give me a good feel for trail hiking in the Five Fingers. So far I'd only walked on roads and a track and around buildings. My goal is to be up to doing 8km on Saturday. It should be quite doable.


  1. I just discovered your post. You obviously lived beyond 2 months. Since I have diabetes also, I'm wondering how your exercising has worked out to get your numbers back in line. I visited NM at one time and love the area, but I have not hiked in that area. I like to read your posts about your hikes. I'm doing a lot of hiking in the NW (Columbia River Gorge area) and posting my hikes at Hopefully, I can get my weight down and my numbers back in line. In other words "death by mountain AND diet".

  2. Aha, this comment finally appeared!

    I have no idea about my numbers. I don't want to live using myself a human pincushion and being a slave to the little machine that eats blood. So I don't. My lifestyle change has cured my seasonal allergies, it has kept me from getting sick, and it has given me an acute awareness of how food affects me. I can now feel changes in myself when I eat sugar. So while I don't know my numbers, I have a good handle on what is bad for me.
