On July 20th of last year my pedometer read 390247. Today, earlier in the day, it read 145064. But I've kept careful track of resets, and written a program to the math for me. so my real number since the reset before July 20th is 1765392. That looks like 6638 steps per day on average. I need to do better.
I have a new bicycle. It's nice. The junkyard near San Acaia is the longest ride I've taken it on. I have a new car too.
I messed up my right toe pretty bad trying out new boots. The toenail got torn off and the resulting infection was pretty epic. The kind of infection that people died from before antibiotics.
I need to shape up, and get myself back to Turkey Creek for my birthday. It's a Wednesday this year. Also, I need to make it all the way to the hot springs this time, and not cripple myself hundreds of yards short of my destination.
My weight is up. High. I'm stupidly fat. I shouldn't even record my number.
I'm also fighting athletes foot. I suspect I got it the last time I had surgery. At the very least, that's when it really made itself known. It could be I had a little before surgery. My most recent attempt at visiting a doctor diagnosed it and gave advice and medicine. The one before that, when I complained about the weird growth on my foot, told me I needed lotion. The one before that thought that it was great I was worrying about it. So this newm one is much better. A few simple things and it's all much better. Still not cured, but I'm getting there.
I outfitted my new car with a shovel, and a saw, and two maps of New Mexico, and a pair of hammocks. It needs a GPS still. I have a couple of those I can throw in as well. At the very least I should ease into car camping as a way to get out more. Fenton Lake, up in the Jemez, is a noble goal.
I should update this more often too!
Monday, April 11, 2016
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