Sunday, April 24, 2016


I just went to get my GPS.  I only found one though, I have two.  The one I found, a Geko 201, I bought on March 7th 2005.  I paid $117.99 for it.  Amazon still has it for sale, with prime.  They want $175.95 for it.  When I bought the GPS it was the green version.  The picture is still the same GPS, in the same color, but now it is yellow.

And it's a terrible GPS.  At least for hiking.  It isn't even that good for bicycling.  It's a very low-accuracy GPS.  I need to find my better GPS.  But there is no telling where I put it or what I did with it.  The last time I remember using it, it was in the back of Mandy's car, and that was years ago.

EDIT: and then you suddenly realize the good on is laying on the shelf in plain sight, and it's been there for a very long time.

It's a Garmin H, which I bought July 13th 2009.  Based on that date, I bought it for this website!  It still works despite not having been used in years.  I paid $81.00 for it, and bought a $10.99 carrying case.  The closest upgrade is the Garmin eTrex 10, which is $85.20, and the suggested carrying case is $10.29, but it's the same case I already have, so I can skip that.

But since it isn't broken, I'm not sure it is worth replacing.

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